knock knock jokes

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Knock Knock
Who's there !
N-8 !
N-8 who ?
N-8 tendencies !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nach !
Nach who ?
Nach me for a loop !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nadia !
Nadia who ?
Nadia head !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nadya !
Nadya who ?
Nadya head if you understand what I'm saying !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nan !
Nan who ?
Nanswer me or I'll go away !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nana !
Nana who ?
Nana, Hey, Hey, Kiss Him Goodbye !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nana !
Nana who ?
Nana you business !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nancy !
Nancy who ?
Nancy a biscuit !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nanny !
Nanny who ?
Nanny one at home !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nanny !
Nanny who ?
Nanny people are waiting to come in !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nantucket !
Nantucket who ?
Nantucket, but she'll have to give it back !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nate !
Nate who ?
Nate-ives are restless !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nate !
Nate who ?
Nature boy !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
NE !
NE who ?
NE body you like so long as you let me in !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Neal !
Neal who ?
Neal and pray !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nebraska !
Nebraska who ?
Nebraska girl for a date she might say yes !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Ned !
Ned who ?
Ned and neck !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Neil !
Neil who ?
Neil down before the king !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nell !
Nell who ?
Nell is hot !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nero !
Nero who ?
Nero far !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nestle !
Nestle who ?
Nestle into the soft chair !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nettie !
Nettie who ?
Nettie as a fruitcake !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nevada !
Nevada who ?
Nevada saw you look so bad, you should be bed !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Newt !
Newt who ?
Newton's law !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nicholas !
Nicholas who ?
Nicholas girls shouldn't climb trees !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nick !
Nick who ?
Nick R Elastic!
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nick !
Nick who ?
Nickle and dime you to death !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nicky !
Nicky who ?
Nicky nacks !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nilsson !
Nilsson who ?
Nilsson ratings !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nine !
Nine who ?
Nine danke !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Ninja !
Ninja who ?
Ninja with me every day !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Noah !
Noah who ?
Noah good place to eat ?
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Noah !
Noah who ?
Noah yes - which is it ?
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Noah !
Noah who ?
Noah Body knows the trouble I've seen !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Noah !
Noah who ?
Noah don't know who you are either !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Noam !
Noam who ?
Noam an is an island !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nobody !
Nobody who ?
Just nobody !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nodule !
Nodule who ?
Nodule Kennedy !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Noel !
Noel who ?
Noel E. Phant is going to poke his trunk in my business !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Noise !
Noise who ?
Noise to see you !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nola !
Nola who ?
Nola-ner driver may drive a car alone !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nome !
Nome who ?
Nome-ans land !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Norma !
Norma who ?
Norma'lly I have my key !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Norma Lee!
Norma Lee who ?
Norma Lee I wouldn't have troubled you, but I need help !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Norma Lee!
Norma Lee who ?
Norma Lee don't go round knocking on doors !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Norman who ?
Norman has ever set foot here before !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Norman who ?
Norman's land !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Norton !
Norton who ?
Norton cocaine is stupid !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Norway !
Norway who ?
Norway will I leave till you open this door !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nose !
Nose who ?
I nose plenty more knock knock jokes, don't worry !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nougat !
Nougat who ?
Nougat can go that fast !

Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nuisance !
Nuisance who ?
What's nuisance since yesterday !

Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nunio !
Nunio who ?
Nunio wanna open the door !
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Nurse !
Nurse who ?
Nurse sense talking to you !


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