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Why does a dog chasing a rabbit resemble a bald-headed man?
He makes a little hare (hair) go a long way.
Why does Father Time wear bandages?
Because day breaks and night falls.
Why is a banana peel on the sidewalk like music?
Because if you don't C sharp you'll B flat.
Why is a dictionary dangerous?
Because it has "dynamite" in it.
Why is a sinking ship like a person in jail?
Because it needs bailing out.
Why is a thief like a thermometer on a hot day?
Because they are both up to something.
Why is an eye like a man being flogged?
Because it's under the lash.
Why is it confusing when a dog growls and wags his tail at the same time?
It's hard to know which end to believe.
Why is it hard to steal pigs?
Because pigs are squealers.
Why is law like the ocean?
Because most trouble is caused by the breakers. mat
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