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Spell mousetrap with three letters.
What animal breaks the law?
A cheetah.
What animal has a chip on its shoulder?
A chipmunk.
What bird always runs from a fight?
A canary, because it is yellow.
What criminals can you find in a shoe store?
A pair of sneakers.
What did one clock say to the other clock when it was frightened?
"Don't be alarmed."
What did one cucumber say to the other cucumber?
"If you kept your big mouth shut, we wouldn't be in this pickle. "
What did one skunk say to the other skunk when they were cornered?
"Let us spray."
What did the cork say to the bottle?
"If you don't behave yourself, I'll plug you."
What did the coward say to the stamp?
"I bet I can lick you."
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