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What did the snake say when he was offered a piece of cheese for dinner?
Thank you, I'll just have a slither.
What did one slug say to another who had hit him and rushed off?
I'll get you next slime!
How do you know your kitchen is filthy?
The slugs leave trails on the floor that read "Clean me."
What did the slug say as he slipped down the window very fast?
How slime flies!
What's the difference between school dinners and a pile of slugs?
School dinners come on a plate.
What is the strongest animal in the world?
A snail, because it carries its home on its back.
What do you do when two snails have a fight?
Leave them to slug it out.
What is the definition of a slug?
A snail with a housing problem.
Where do you fiend giant snails?
On the end of a giant's fingers.
What do you get if you cross a worm with a young goat?
A dirty kid.
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