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What kind of eggs does a wicked chicken lay?
Devilled eggs.
What kind of food do brave soldiers eat?
Hero sandwiches.
What kind of gun does a bee shoot?
A bee-bee gun.
What kind of long-distance calls do ministers make when they speak to each other?
Parson-to parson (person-to-person).
What kind of monster is never around when you need him?
A werewolf because you always say, "Werewolf (where wolf) ?"
What kind of music does a ghost like?
Haunting melodies.
What kind of person loves cocoa?
A coconut.
What kind of thief steals meat?
A hamburglar.
What would happen if an elephant sat in front of you at the movies?
You would miss most of the show.
When do crooks wear suspenders?
When they are holdup men.
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