Munch |
Waiter, waiter! There's
a slug in my salad.
I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know you were a vegetarian. |
Waiter, waiter! There's
a slug in my dinner.
Don't worry, sir, there's no extra charge. |
Waiter, waiter! There's
a slug in my lettuce.
Sorry, madam, no pets allowed here. |
Waiter, waiter! There's
a worm in my soup.
That's not a worm, sir, that's your sausage. |
Waiter, waiter! There
are two worms on my plate.
Those are your sausages, sir. |
Waiter, waiter! Do you
serve snails?
Sit down, sir, we'll serve anyone. |
Waiter, waiter! Have
you got frogs' legs?
No, sir, I always walk like this. |
Waiter, waiter! Do you
have frogs' legs?
Yes, sir. Well then hop into the kitchen for my soup. |
Waiter, waiter! Are
there snails on the menu?
Oh yes, sir, they must have escaped from the kitchen. |
Waiter, waiter! I can't
eat this meat, it's crawling with maggots.
Quick, run to the other end of the table, you can catch it as it goes by. |
Munch |