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What is the difference between a dressmaker and a farmer?
A dressmaker sews what she gathers, a farmer gathers what he sows.
What is the difference between a fisherman and a lazy student?
One baits his hook, the other hates his book.
What is the difference between a gardener and a billiard player?
One minds his peas, the other minds his cues.
What is the difference between a jeweller and a jailer?
A jeweller sells watches, a jailer watches cells.
What is the difference between a locomotive engineer and a teacher?
One minds the train, the other trains the mind.
What is the difference between a tailor and a horse trainer?
One mends a tear, the other tends a mare.
What key in music makes a good army officer?
A Sharp Major.
What kind of a truck does a ballerina drive?
A toe (tow) truck.
What kind of artist can't you trust?
A sculptor because he is always chiselling.
What kind of car does an electrician drive?
A Volts Wagon (Volkswagen).
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