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A man and a dog were going down the street. The man rode, yet walked. What was the dog's name?
A man had two sons and named them both Ed. How come?
Two Eds (heads) are better than one.
At what time do most people go to the dentist?
At tooth-hurty (2:30).
Can you spell a composition with two letters?
SA (essay).
Can you spell a pretty girl with two letters?
QT (cutey).
Can you spell soft and slow with two letters?
Can you spell very happy with three letters?
XTC (ecstasy).
Do moths cry?
Sure. Haven't you ever seen a mothball (bawl) ?
How can you prove that a horse has six legs?
A horse has four legs (forelegs) in front and two behind.
How can you spell chilly with two letters?
IC (icy) .
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