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An elephant always remembers, but what kind of animal always forgets?
An owl because it keeps saying, "Who? Who?"
How can you spell too much with two letters?
XS (excess).
How did the 800-pound man feel when he lost 250 pounds?
In what part of a ballpark do you find the whitest clothes?
In the bleachers.
What animal grows the fastest?
A kangaroo. It grows by leaps and bounds.
What are the best kind of stockings for baseball players to wear?
Stockings with runs in them.
What are the laziest animals on the farm?
Chickens. They are always laying (lying) around.
What birds are noisiest?
Whooping cranes.
What cake is as hard as a rock?
Marble cake.
What coat has the most sleeves?
A coat of arms.
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