What do you get if you
cross a monster with a pig?
Large pork chops.
What do you get if you
cross a monster with peanut butter?
A monster that sticks to the roof of your mouth.
What's green, seven
feet tall, and mopes in the corner?
The Incredible Sulk.
What's green and wrinkled?
The Incredible Sulk's granny.
What do you get if you
cross a monster with a kangaroo?
Big holes across Australia.
What is big, slimy and
ugly - and very blue?
A monster holding its breath.
What do you get if you
cross a monster with a pigeon?
Lots of very worried pedestrians.
What do you get if you
cross a monster with a skunk?
A big, ugly smell!
If you saw 9 monsters
outside Woolworth's with blue socks and one monster outside Boots with red socks,
would that prove? That 9 out of 10 monsters wear blue socks.
would I have to give you to get a little kiss?