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Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Pat who?
Pat your coat on, and let's go to the St. Patrick's Day parade!
Why did the Irish tenor stand on the chair?
So he could reach the high notes!
What would you get if you crossed a stupid boy with a well known Irish ballad?
"O Dummy Boy"!
What would you get if you crossed a leprechaun with a bathroom?
A lepre john!
What's little and green and goes two hundred miles per hour?
A leprechaun in a blender!
Cook l: "What do you think of my Irish stew?"
Cook 2: "It could use a pinch of Gaelic."
What's little and green and stuck to your bumper?
A leprechaun who didn't look both ways.
Did you hear about the leprechaun who worked at the diner?
He was a short-order cook!
What's six feet tall, green, and has a crock of gold?
A leprechaun with a gland problem!
Do leprechauns get angry when you make fun of their height?
Yeah, but only a little!
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