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What do you feed a 600 pound Gorilla?
Anything it wants!
What does a dog bark to indicate that there is an Ape approaching?
What does a Gorilla attorney study?
The Law of the jungle!
What does a Gorilla learn first in school?
The Apey-cees!
What excuse does an Ape give for abducting a pretty girl?
I can't help it - she brings out the beast in me!
What gives a gorilla good taste?
Four years in an Ivy League school!
What hairy creature is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound?
Cheetah - after Tarzan lets go one of those stupid blood-curdling yells!
What happened when the Ape won the door prize?
He didn't take it - he already had a door!
What happened when the Gorilla walked into a revolving door?
He spend two weeks running around in circles because he couldn't find the door knob!
What happens at any lodge meeting of the loyal order of primates?
They act like a bunch of wild animals!
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