First, get a telescope, a matchbox, a pair of tweezers, and a very long, boring
Then choose a hot day and
go to any place where you know big monsters live. Sit down with the telescope,
matchbox and tweezers next to you, and start to read the long, boring book. After
a while you'll fall asleep, because the book is so dull and the day is so hot.
Soon a big monster is bound to see you and come over to investigate. Looking over
your shoulder, he will start to read the long, boring book and he, too, will fall
asleep from boredom and the heat.
As soon as he does, you must wake up, pick up the telescope, and look at the big
sleeping monster through the wrong end. Then, using your tweezers, pick him up
carefully, put him in the matchbox, and to and behold - you have caught a big