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What word can you pronounce quicker by adding a syllable to it?
When is it correct to say, "I is?"
"I is the letter after H. "
When is it good to lose your temper?
When you have a bad one.
When is longhand quicker than shorthand?
On a clock.
When is your mind like a rumpled bed?
When it isn't made up yet.
When the dog lover put his fingers in the dog's mouth to see how many teeth it had, what did the dog do?
The dog closed its mouth to see how many fingers the dog lover had.
Where does satisfaction come from?
From a satisfactory.
Which two letters of the alphabet are nothing?
MT (empty) .
Who invented the first aeroplane that didn't fly?
The Wrong Brothers.
Who is it that everybody listens to but nobody believes?
The weatherman.
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