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How does an elephant get down from a tree?
He sits on a leaf and waits for the fall.
How long should a person's legs be?
Long enough to reach the ground.
How many legs does a mule have if you call its tail a leg?
Only four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one.
How many months have 28 days?
All of them.
If 5 cats catch 5 mice in 5 minutes, how long will it take one cat to catch a mouse?
Five minutes.
If you count 20 houses on your right going to school, and 20 houses on your left coming home, how many houses in all have you counted?
Twenty. You counted the same houses going and coming.
If you had a million dollars and gave away one quarter, and another quarter, and then another quarter, how much would you have left?
A million dollars minus 75 cents.
Name five days of the week without saying: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.
On the way to a water hole a zebra met 6 giraffes. Each giraffe had 3 monkeys hanging from its neck. Each monkey had 2 birds on its tail. How many animals were going to the water hole?
Only the zebra. All the rest were coming back from the hole.
Some ducks were walking down a path. There was a duck in front of two ducks, a duck behind two ducks, and a duck between two ducks. How many ducks were there in all?
Three ducks, waddling single file.
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