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Romantic Jokes !
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They're the perfect match, he's a history teacher and she likes dates.
They're the perfect match, she lies jogging and he's on the run from the law !
They're the perfect match, she works in the chip shop and there is something fishy about him !
They're the perfect match, she's a geologist and he's on the rocks !
Hey, you just shot my wife.
I'm so sorry, have a shot at mine !
When plus and minus got married they had an addition to the family. The thing is though he turned out to be a problem child !
Don't you think that man over there is the ugliest person you've ever seen.
He's my husband.
Oh dear, I am sorry.
Your sorry !
A woman woke her husband in the middle of the night and said, "There is a burglar in the kitchen eating my home made steak and kidney pie"
"Oh dear", said her husband "Who shall I call, the police or an ambulance !"
Which group of men on TV wear pastel coloured clothes and can't speak properly.
The telehubbies !
If you were my husband I'd put arsenic in your tea
And if I was your husband I'd drink it !
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