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Where do you find internit snails?
At the end of an internit's fingers.
Who do internits send their Christmas letter to?
Sant e-claus.
Why are internits big headed?
Because they have huge e-gos.
Why did the internit bite the school computer?
Someone told him it was an apple.
Why did the internit bury his laptop?
The batteries were dead.
Why did the internit buy a pair of cowboy boots?
He wanted to try online dancing.
Why did the internit fly though the air?
He was sitting on an e-jector seat.
Why did the internit keep a ruler by his computer?
To see how long he spent on the internet.
Why did the internit put his computer in the fridge?
He wanted to find some really cool sites.
Why did the internit set fire to his computer?
He wanted to have the hottest website.
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