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Why is it tough to compete against a vampire?
Because they're always out for blood!
Vampire 1: "I once went so long without fresh blood that I nearly died."
Vampire 2: "How awful!"
Vampire 1: "Yes. Fortunately, I found some in the neck of time."
Did you hear about the vampire in Camelot?
He was a bite of the Round Table!
What would you get if you crossed Dracula with Captain Kidd?
A vampirate!
What did the vampire call his girlfriend?
His "vein squeeze"!
What is a werewolf's favourite type of story?
A hairy tale!
Did you hear about the hippie werewolf?
He was fur out, man!
What do you call two witches who live together?
What does an Australian witch ride on?
A broomerang!
What would you get if you crossed a witch with a famous movie director?
Steven Spellberg!
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