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Doctor, doctor, I can't stop pulling ugly faces.
That's not a serious problem.
Yes, but people with ugly faces don't like it.
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop sneezing.
Don't worry - it's much achoo about nothing.
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop trembling.
I'll be with you in a couple of shakes.
Doctor, doctor, I feel very flushed.
You must have flu. No, I walked.
Doctor, doctor, I keep hearing ringing in my ears.
Nonsense, you're as sound as a bell.
Doctor, doctor, I keep seeing double.
Just lie down on the couch. Which one?
Doctor, doctor, I keep seeing purple and yellow spots.
Have you seen a psychiatrist?

No - just purple and yellow spots.
Doctor, doctor, I need something for my kidneys.
Here's a pound of steak - make yourself a pie.
Doctor, doctor, I'm having trouble with my breathing.
I'll soon put a stop to that.
Doctor, doctor, I've a carrot growing in my ear.
How did that happen?
I don't know -I planted cauliflowers.
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