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You were a long time putting salt in the saltcellar?
Well, you can't get much at time through those little holes at the top !
Why was the Egyptian girl worried ?
Because her daddy was a mummy !
It's time for your violin lesson.
Oh, Fiddle !
How old is your granddad ?
I don't know but we've had him a long time !
Dad, there is a man at the door collecting for the new swimming pool.
Give him a glass of water !
Eat up your spinach, it'll but colour in your cheeks.
But I don't want green cheeks !
"Quick, take the wheel", said the nervous driver.
"Why ?"
"Because there is a tree coming straight for us !"
Why did Mickey Mouse take a trip into space ?
He wanted to find Pluto !
What happened when the wheel was invented ?
It caused a revolution !
Did you hear about the mad scientist who put dynamite in his fridge ?
They say it blew his cool !
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