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Why didn't the banana snore ?
Because it didn't want to wake up the rest of the bunch!
What do you get if you cross a nun and a chicken?
A pecking order !
Did you hear about the man who had BO on one side only ?
He bought Right Guard, but couldn't find any Left Guard !
What do you call a man with cow droppings all over his feet ?
An incowpoop !
How do you keep an imbecile happy all his life ?
Tell him a joke when he's a baby !
Why did the stupid racing driver make ten pitstops during the race ?
He was asking for directions !
What illness did everyone on the Enterprise catch ?
Chicken Spocks !
What is green, four legs and two trunks ?
Two seasick tourists !
Why is perfume obedient ?
Because it is scent wherever it goes !
What soldiers smell of salt and pepper ?
Seasoned troopers !
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