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What did the black cat say to the fish ?
I've got a bone to pick with you !
What do you call a witches cat that drinks vinegar ?
A sour puss !
What do you call a witches cat that never comes when he's called ?
Impussible !
Now you see it, now you don't, now you see it, now you don't - what are you watching ?
A black cat walking over a zebra crossing !
What do you call a witches cat with no legs ?
Anything you like, she won't be able to chase you !
What's furry, has whiskers and chases outlaws ?
A posse cat !
What do you get if you cross a witches cat and a canary ?
A cat with a full tummy !
What is a black cat's favourite TV show ?
Miami Mice !
What has four legs, a tail, whiskers and cuts grass ?
A lawn miaower !
What has four legs, a tail, whiskers and goes round and round ?
A black cat stuck in a tumble dryer !
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