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Why was the young vampire a failure ?
He fainted at the sight of blood !
Why did the vampire give up acting ?
He couldn't get his teeth into the part !
What happened to the vampire who swallowed sheep ?
He felt baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad !
What does Mrs Dracula say to Mr Dracula when he goes out to work in the evening ?
"Have a nice bite" !
What's Dracula's favourite coffee ?
Decoffinated !
What do you get if you cross Dracula with Sir Lancelot ?
A bite in shining armour !
What's Dracula's car called ?
A mobile blood unit !
Why do vampires do well at school ?
Because everytime they are asked a question they come up with a biting reply !
What does a vampire bath in ?
A bat tub !
Why are vampiress crazy ?
Because they are often bats !
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