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Do you know that Dracula wants to be a comedian?
He's still looking for a crypt writer though !
What flavour ice cream is Dracula's favourite ?
Veinilla !
Why did the vampire attack the clown ?
He wanted the circus to be in his blood !
Why is Hollywood full of vampires ?
They need someone to play the bit parts !
Why wouldn't the vampire eat his soup ?
It clotted !
Why are vampires always worn out in April ?
Because they've just finished a long March of 31 days!
Why did the vampire sit on a pumpkin ?
It wanted to play squash !
Why do vampires like school dinners?
Because they know they won't get stake !
How do you join the Dracula fan club ?
Send your name, address and blood group !
What's a vampire's favourite animal ?
A giraffe !
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