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Odd Ailments...
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Doctor, Doctor you have to help me out !
Certainly, which way did you come in ?
Doctor, doctor, all I can think of is gin, gin, gin.
What you need is a tonic.
Doctor, doctor, are you sure this medicine will cure me?
Well, nobody's been back for a second bottle.
Doctor, doctor, as soon as I've said something, I forget it.
How long has this been going on?
How long has what been going on?
Doctor, doctor, every time I drink a cup of tea, I get a stabbing pain in my right eye.
Try taking the spoon out of the cup first.
Doctor, doctor, everyone keeps ignoring me.
Next patient, please!
Doctor, doctor, everyone thinks I'm a cricket ball
How's that?
Not you as well!
Doctor, doctor, I believe I'm a disc jockey.
Nonsense - you're just in a groove.
Doctor, doctor, I believe I'm a motor horn.
I don't give a hoot.
Doctor, doctor, I don't get enough exercise.
Try taking a long walk every evening.
That's the problem - I'm a lighthouse keeper.
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