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Odd Ailments...
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Doctor Doctor I feel like biscuits!
What, you mean those square ones?
The ones you put butter on?
Oh, you're Crackers!
Doctor how can I cure my sleep walking ?
Sprinkle tin-tacks on your bedroom floor !
Doctor these pills you gave me for BO...
What's wrong with them ?
They keep slipping out from under my arms !
Doctor, Doctor Can I have second opinion?
Of course, come back tomorrow!
Doctor, Doctor everyone keeps throwing me in the garbage.
Don't talk rubbish !
Doctor, Doctor everyone thinks I'm a liar
Well I can't believe that !
Doctor, Doctor I dream there are monsters under my bed, what can I do ?
Saw the legs off of your bed !
Doctor, Doctor I snore so loud I keep myself awake
Sleep in another room then !
Doctor, Doctor I tend to flush a lot.
Don't worry it's just a chain reaction !
Doctor, Doctor When I press with my finger here... it hurts, and here... it hurts, and here... and here... What do you think is wrong with me?
You have a broken finger!
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Odd Ailments...
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