did the cannibal's parents say when she brought her boyfriend
home ? 'Lovely,
dear, he looks good enough to eat!'
Shall I give that tramp one of my cakes ? Boyfriend:
Why, what harm has he ever done you ?
sister's boyfriend certainly has staying power. Infact, he
never leaves.
My boyfriend really embarrassed me yesterday. We were at a
very expensive restaurant and he drank his tea with his little
finger sticking out. Dan:
But that's considered polite in some circles. Nan:
Not with the teabag hanging from it, it's not!
waiter! what's this creepy crawly thing doing on my girlfriend's
shoulder? I
don't know - friendly thing isn't he ?
Witch: What's your new boyfriend like ? 2nd
Witch: He's mean, nasty, ugly, smelly and totally evil - but
he has some bad points too !