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Who speaks at the ghosts' press conference ?
The spooksperson !
What is Count Dracula's favourite snack ?
A fangfurter !
What do ghosts eat for breakfast ?
Dreaded wheat !
What is a ghost's favourite dessert ?
Boo-Berry pie with I-scream !
Why are graveyards so noisy ?
Beacause of all the coffin !
What do you get if you cross a ghost with a packet of crisps?
Snacks that go crunch in the night !
How does a witch tell the time ?
With a witch watch !
Why did the witch put her broom in the washing machine ?
She wanted a clean sweep !
What do you call two witches that share a room ?
Broom mates !
What noise does a witch's breakfast cereal make ?
Snap, cackle and pop !
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