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Why did the cowboy ride his horse?
Because the horse was too heavy to carry.
Why did the kid keep his shirt on when he took a bath?
Because the label said "Wash and Wear."
Why did the man put a clock under his desk?
He wanted to work overtime.
Why did the ocean roar?
Because it had crabs in its bed.
Why did the window pane blush?
It saw the weather-strip.
Why do mummies tell no secrets?
Because they keep things under wraps.
Why do people work as bakers?
Because they knead (need) the dough.
Why do you go to bed?
Because the bed will not come to you.
Why don't bananas ever get lonely?
Because they go around in bunches.
Why is an old car like a baby playing?
Because it goes with a rattle.
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