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What's red, white, blue and yellow?
The Star-spangled Banana!
How is a flag like Santa Claus?
They both hang out at the pole!
What's the difference between June 14 and a day when a monster cooks?
One's a flag day and the other's a gag day!
What did the patriotic dog do on Flag Day?
He flagged his tail!
Teacher: "How did the Founding Fathers decide on our country's flag?"
Student: "I guess they took a flag poll!"
Teacher: "Jenny, what do you know that has stars and stripes?"
Jenny: "A movie about a zebra!"
What would you get if you crossed a famous march tune with a monster and his friends?
"Stars and Twerps Forever"!
What would you get if you crossed the Stars and Stripes with a cookie?
A Flag Newton!
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