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I Feel...
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Doctor, doctor, I feel like a camera.
I'll be with you in a flash.
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a cup of coffee.
I'll be with you in an instant.
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a cup of tea.
What's got into you?
Milk and two sugars!
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a dictionary.
I'll have a word with you later.
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a fishmonger.
Take your plaice in the queue.
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a Formula One car.
Now, now - don't exhaust yourself.
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a kite.
You'll really have to come down to earth.
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a pack of cards.
Sit down, don't snuffle about, and I'll deal with you later.
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a pair of curtains.
Pull yourself together.
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a peach.
Stone me!
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I Feel...
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