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I can't...
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Doctor, Doctor, I can't get to sleep.
Sit on the edge of the bed and you'll soon drop off.
Doctor, doctor, I can't stand 'Crossroads' and 'Coronation Street'.
Try keeping off cereals for a while.
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop climbing mountains.
Relax, we'll soon have you in peak condition.
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop doing crosswords.
What's wrong?

I haven't a clue.
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop eating Indian food.
Don't try to curry favour with me.
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop fishing.
Drop me a line when you're feeling better.
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop playing Scrabble.
My word!
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop robbing banks.
Sit down and I'll take a few notes.
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop shoplifting.
Have you taken anything for it?
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop stealing things.
Take these pills for a week. If they don't work, get me a colour telly.
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I can't...
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