How can you tell if there are elephants in your refrigerator ? Footprints in the cream cheese.
What is the difference between a dog and a flea ? A dog can have fleas, but flea can't have dogs.
What's the difference between a hungry man and a greedy man ? One longs to eat and the other eats too long.
Whats the difference between a thief and a church bell ? One steals from the people, the other peals from the steeple.
Whats the difference between a beached vessel and a wrecked airplane ? One grounds on the land and the other lands on the ground.
What is the difference between an oak tree and a tight shoe ? One makes acorns, the other corns ache.
Why did the spy pull the sheets over his head ? He was an undercover agent.
What's the difference between the business of a removal firm and a shop that sells note paper ? One's moving, the other's stationery.
Why did the boy take a bicycle to bed ? Because he didn't want to walk in his sleep.
What should you always keep because no one else wants it ? Your temper.
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