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On which day do lions eat people ?
Chewsday !
Why did the lion feel sick after he'd eaten the priest ?
Because it's hard to keep a good man down !
What did the lioness say to the cub chasing a hunter ?
'Stop playing with your food.'
What do you call a lion wearing a cravat and a flower in its mane ?
A dandy lion !
What happens when a lion runs into an express train at the station ?
It's the end of the lion !
Why do you never see zebras or antelopes at Victoria Station ?
Because it's a 'mane-lion' station !
What do you call a show full of lions ?
The mane event !
How does a leopard change its spots ?
When it gets tired of one spot it just moves to another !
What happened to the man who tried to cross a lioin with a goat ?
He had to get a new goat !
Why was the lion-tamer fined ?
He parked on a yellow lion !
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