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How does a lion greet the other animals in the field ?
'Pleased to eat you.' !
What's the difference between a tiger and a lion ?
A tiger has the mane part missing !
What happened to the tiger who took a bath three times a day ?
After a week he was spotless !
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a sheep ?
A stripey sweater !
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a snowman ?
Frostbite !
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a kangeroo ?
A stripey jumper !
How are tigers like sergeants in the army ?
They both wear stripes !
What is the most breathless thing on television ?
The Pink Panter Show !
What do you get if you cross a leopard with a watchdog ?
A terrified postman !
When is a lion not a lion ?
When he turns into his cage !
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