"It's clear"
said the teacher, "That you haven't studied your geography. What's your excuse
"Well, my dad says the world is changing every day
. So I decided to wait until it settles down !"
Teacher: What can you
tell me about the Dead Sea?
Pupil: Dead ?, I didn't even know he was sick !
What are the small rivers
that run into the Nile ?
The juve-niles !
Teacher: Why is the
Mississippi such an unusual river ?
Pupil: Because it has four eyes and can't see !
Teacher: What are the
Great Plains ?
Pupil: 747, Concorde and F-16 !
Where is the English Channel ?
Pupil: I don't know, my TV doesn't pick it up
Pupil: My teacher was
mad with me because I didn't know where the Rockies were.
Mother: Well next time remember where you put things !
Teacher: Why does the
statue of liberty stand in New York harbour ?
Pupil: Because it can't sit down !
Teacher: Is Lapland
heavily populated ?
Class: No, there are not many Lapps to the mile !
Name an animal that
lives in Lapland ?
A reindeer Good, now name another.
Another reindeer !