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What's a skeleton's favourite pop group ?
Boney M !
What do you do if you see a skeleton running across a road ?
Jump out of your skin and join him !
What did the old skeleton complain of ?
Aching bones !
What is a skeleton ?
Somebody on a diet who forgot to say "when" !

What happened to the skeleton that was attacked by a dog ?
He ran off with some bones and didn't leave him with a leg to stand on !

Why are skeletons so calm ?
Because nothing gets under their skin !
What do you call a skeleton that is always telling lies ?
A boney phoney !
Why didn't the skeleton want to play football ?
Because his heart wasn't in it !
What happened to the skeleton who went to a party ?
All the others used him as a coat rack !
What do you call a skeleton who presses the door bell ?
A dead ringer !
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