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I swallowed...
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Doctor Doctor I swallowed a bone
Are you choking ?
No, I really did !
Doctor, Doctor I've just swallowed a pen
Well sit down and write your name !
Doctor, doctor my baby's swallowed a bullet
Well don't point him at anyone until I get there !
Doctor, Doctor my little boy has just swallowed a roll of film.
Well lets just wait and see if anything develops !
Doctor, Doctor my son has swallowed my pen, what should I do?
Use a pencil ‘till I get there
Doctor, doctor, I just swallowed a mouth organ.
Think yourself lucky you don't play the piano.
Doctor, doctor, I've swallowed a quilt.
I thought you looked a bit down in the mouth.
Doctor, doctor, I've swallowed some uranium.
You've probably got atomic ache.
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I swallowed...
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