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Why is it called a 'herd' of cattle ?
Well, have you 'herd' the sound they make !
What do you call a joke book for chickens ?
A yolk book !
What did the lovesick bull say to the cow ?
'When I fall in love it will be for heifer' !
What do you get if you feed gunpowder to a chicken ?
An egg-splosion !
Why did the chicken cross the road at the fairground ?
To get to the other side !
What do you get if you cross a sheep with a kangaroo ?
A woolly jumper !
What has two legs and flies ?
A pig !
What do you get if you cross a cow with an octopus ?
A cow that can milk itself !
What do you call a sleeping bull ?
A bulldozer !
Why did the unwashed chicken cross the road twice ?
Because he was a dirty double crosser !
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