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If there were no food left, what could people do?
Country people could eat their forest preserves and city people could have their traffic jams.
If two's company and three's a crowd, what is four and five?
What 8-letter word has one letter in it?
What animal is gray and has a trunk?
A mouse going on vacation.
What animals are well educated?
Fish, because they go around in schools.
What are the most faithful insects?
Ticks. Once they find friends, they stick to them.
What are the three swiftest means of communication?
Telephone, telegraph and tell-a-secret.
What causes baldness?
Lack of hair.
What did one car say to the other?
"You look familiar. Haven't we bumped into each other before?"
What did one faucet say to the other faucet?
"You're a big drip."
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