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What did George Washington say to his army at Valley Forge?
"Sorry, men. The flights to Florida are all booked up!"
What would you get if you crossed the American national bird with Snoopy?
A bald beagle!
What would you get if you crossed a colonial hairpiece with a teepee?
A powdered wigwam!
What's red, white, blue, and green?
A patriotic pickle!
What did the visitor say as he left the Statue of Liberty?
"Keep in torch!"
What's big, cracked, and carries your luggage?
The Liberty Bellhop!
What ghost haunted King George III?
The spirit of '76!
Did you hear about the cartoonist in the Continental Army?
He was a Yankee doodler!
What would you get if you crossed a monster with Yankee Doodle?
Yankee Doofus!
What's red, white, blue and green?
A seasick Uncle Sam!
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