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Why didn't the skeleton go to the party ?
He had no body to go with !
What happened when the skeletons rode pogo sticks ?
They had a rattling good time !
Why did the skeleton go to hospital ?
To have his ghoul stones removed !
How did the skeleton know it was going to rain ?
He could feel it in his bones !

What's a skeleton's favourite musical instrument ?
A trom-bone !

How do skeletons call their friends ?
On the telebone !
What do you call a skeleton who won't get up in the mornings ?
Lazy bones !
What do boney people use to get into their homes ?
Skeleton keys !
What do you call a skeleton who acts in Westerns ?
Skint Eastwood !
What happened to the boat that sank in the sea full of piranha fish ?
It came back with a skeleton crew !
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