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What do you get if you cross the Lone Ranger with an insect ?
The Masked-quito !
What has antlers and sucks blood ?
A moose-quito !
Why did the mosquito go to the dentist ?
To improve his bite !
What is a mosquito's favourite sport ?
Skin-diving !
How do you know if you have a tough mosquito ?
You slap him and he slaps you back !
What is the difference between a mosquito and a fly ?
Try sewing buttons on a mosquito !
What's the difference between a lawyer and a mosquito ?
A mosquito drops off you when you die !
What is the most religious insect ?
A mosque-ito !
What has 6 legs, bits and talks in code ?
A morese-quito !
Why are mosquitos religious ?
They prey on you !
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